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Cancer itself can’t be passed down from parents to children, and genetic changes in tumour cells can’t be passed down to the next generation. but genetic change that increases the risk of cancer can be passed down if it is present in the parent’s genes. Inheritance cancer is those which is caused by a mutation in a gene that was present in the egg or sperm during fertilization. Examples of inheritance cancer are colon cancer, Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Pancreatic cancer, and Ovarian cancer.


The genes ATM, PALB2, and CHEK2 may increase the risk for several types of cancer, including breast, ovarian, prostate and colon.CANCER-


Everyone has two copies of each of these genes—one copy inherited from each parent. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are sometimes called tumour suppressor genes because when they have certain changes, called harmful (or pathogenic) variants (or mutations), cancer can develop.

In recent research breast cancer is considered the most common inheritance cancer still many questions are arising about this fact. Most in hereditary cancer syndrome exhibit autosomal dominant inheritance. Which cancer will never be inherited: Lung cancer and cervical cancer will never be inherited because of their environmental causes.

Lung cancer is most commonly found in cigarette smokers and cervical cancer is most commonly found in multisexual partners practised women. I believe that cancer can never be inherited because, in 95% of people, there is no history of cancer in their families, so it may be sometimes due to gene changes in sperm or egg in 5% of people.

Family history With inherited cancer genes most cancers are caused by gene faults which happen during our lifetime people have an increased risk of particular types of cancer because they have inherited a faulty gene and it is the worst gene for them doctor can refer you to a genetic clinic if you have a strong family history of cancer and it is good if you diagnosed at an early stage.


Inside almost every single cell in your body is a structure called the nucleus and it is a fact. The nucleus is the control centre of a cell. Inside the nucleus are 23 pairs of chromosomes which are made up of genes. Genes are generated messages that tell cells how to behave and control the body. They control our body’s growth and development. We have about 25,000 genes. Now it is still questionable for everyone.


Some faulty genes that increase the risk of cancer can be passed on from parent to child. These are inherited cancer gene faults and it is very risky in future life. They occur when there is a mistake or something wrong in the genes in an egg or sperm cell at the time of conception. These faults in the initial sperm or egg cell are copied into every single cell in the body.

The faulty genes can then pass from one generation to another generation. We inherit genes from both of our parents. If a parent has a fault in the gene, then each child has a 1 in 2 chance (50%) of inheriting it. So, some children will have the faulty gene and an increased risk of cancer. I hope I cleared doubts about inherited genes. Stay tuned, Stay Connected…

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Read more about Cancer at WHO’s (World Health Organization) Website.


  1. Dr Nadiya Salim Hakim

    Dr Nadiya Salim Hakim

    June 11, 2024

    Please read it and leave a comments😍😍

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    Anthony Hopkins

    June 11, 2024

    A very informative and precise article. The summary is easy to understand.

    • Dr Nadiya Salim Hakim

      Dr Nadiya Salim Hakim

      June 11, 2024

      Thank u

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    Zainab Arsad Patel

    June 11, 2024

    Informative Article👏

    • Dr Nadiya Salim Hakim

      Dr Nadiya Salim Hakim

      June 11, 2024


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